Meet the team: Fast Five with Victoria Thompson, CFO Advisory

So, whether your business is at a crossroads, or you are looking at succession or exit planning, or managing high growth, our CFO Advisory service can point you in the right direction.

Meet Victoria – part of our growing CFO team. Victoria is an experienced finance professional and Chartered Accountant (FCA) who throughout her career has gained valuable experience working with listed multinationals, private equity funded and owner managed businesses both in Australia and overseas.

Get to know her in this Fast Five:

What do you do?

I am part of the CFO Advisory team in Sydney. I support businesses in a CFO capacity, this can be via slotting into a business in the CFO role or providing one-off support for individual projects such as opportunity modelling or capital raising.

I have a strong technical accounting background combined with a wide range of commercial experience leading finance and operational teams in multiple industries which gives me a unique skill set as a CFO.

What are your qualifications? Do you have an area of speciality?

I am a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (FCA) and hold a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Financial Management from the University of Sheffield.

My specialty is supporting organisations through periods of growth and navigating change, from modelling projections and capital requirements, securing finance to process improvements and optimisation and facilitating the change journey.

Tell us what your #1 tip is for small or medium businesses?

Ask for help! In small to medium businesses, you are often covering many bases and things can start to get away from you and everything can spiral from this point. A helping hand from the right professional can help you alleviate pressure points where you need it and can often save you time and money in the longer term.

What do you love about your job at Dexterous?

The team and the variety of work! No two days are the same and the variety of clients and work keeps me engaged and challenged. I’m privileged to work with a team of uniquely talented individuals who support each other, collaborate and are always focused on delivering the best outcomes for our clients.

What’s the last new skill you learnt?

How to play Beach Volleyball, living by the beach and watching the Olympics was the inspiration to give a new sport a go, it’s lots of fun and the community that I play and train with is wonderful.

Dexterous helps you operate an efficient finance function

Regardless of your industry or business size, we understand that every business has different needs to help it grow. With a sequence of accounting and bookkeeping packages on offer, our team of qualified and passionate accounts are adept at stepping up to support your business as you need.

Simply call, email, or contact us here to make an obligation-free consultation appointment. We look forward to helping your business grow.