Meet the team: Fast Five with Kate Gow, Client Manager

At Dexterous, we empower people to grow their businesses. We achieve this by operating as their growth-focused finance department, a key pillar in any business. When partnering with Dexterous, you access our skills, knowledge and expertise whenever you need it. This affords you the time and headspace to focus on your business knowing your finance department is under control.

Here, you can meet Kate Gow, one of our Client Managers who oversees the finance function of several Dexterous clients. Get to know Kate in this Fast Five.

What do you do?

I am a Client Manager in our Sydney team. I manage the bookkeeping and accounting work for several clients and coordinate their daily, weekly and monthly timetable, also managing their day-to-day finance deliverables and any special requests that arise along the way.

What are your qualifications? Do you have an area of speciality?

I have a Diploma in Accounting and have worked in Bookkeeping practices with clients across a wide range of industries. I enjoy looking for opportunities to improve processes and helping businesses improve their efficiency.

Tell us what your #1 tip is for small or medium businesses?

As a business owner, your time is limited. Seek assistance in areas that are not your field of expertise. It can save time and money in the long run.

What do you love about your job at Dexterous?

I love the variety of clients that I get to work with, across different industries. While bookkeeping can be generic, each client has their nuances, so it never gets boring. There is a fantastic team at Dexterous and we all assist one another to learn new things and ensure we are providing the best service to our clients that we can.

What’s the last new skill you learnt?

My son purchased a VR headset recently, so I’ve been learning to use that to play some fitness games. It’s a bit of a step up from the games we had as teenagers!

Dexterous helps you operate an efficient finance function

Regardless of your industry or business size, we understand that every business has different needs to help it grow. With a sequence of accounting and bookkeeping packages on offer, our team of qualified and passionate accounts are adept at stepping up to support your business as you need.

Simply call, email, or contact us here to make an obligation-free consultation appointment. We look forward to helping your business grow.